Good Sleeping Habits

Good sleep habits can be learned early. Establishing these habits is the responsibility of adults. Slowly, through small daily actions, establish these habits that will become part of children’s lives as they grow older.

Children (and adults too) enjoy a good sleep and feel all the great benefits of recuperative sleep. All you have to do is miss a few days of sleep to quickly realize the negative impact it has on your daily life and your mood.

Children need sleep. Some children are great sleepers, others a little less. This is normal. However, sleep should be viewed positively and children should be shown as positive role models that sleep is important.

I’ve come up with five very important tips for establishing positive sleep habits that children will keep for the rest of their lives. These tips apply to both parents at home and educators.

Don’t use napping or bedtime as a punishment.

Sometimes it’s easy to use a nap as a punishment: you don’t listen, so you go to bed early. It’s a mistake you don’t want to make. Sleep is not a punishment, but rather an essential need in life. This is to allow them to achieve deeper sleep at night, if they take a nap in the noon it hard for them to sleep at night.

In positive discipline, I often repeat that we must find logical consequences for different behaviors. Nap-time is not a logical consequence. It is a punishment that sends the message to children that sleeping is negative.

Establish a fixed schedule

The little biological clock, you know? This is the internal clock that will tell children that they are tired with little signs such as yawning, increased or decreased body activity, little eyes that close. Establishing a set bedtime schedule will allow this biological clock to set itself in place. It is so important to help children fall asleep.

Routine is so important

Routine, we talk about it all the time. Establishing a routine that remains the same from one day to the next is a top priority. Routine is a series of events that leads children to sleep. It is reassuring for children because it sends them the message that naptime is approaching and prepares their bodies for sleep. Use visual cues as needed, so children can refer to them.

Each child has his or her own particularities in terms of sleep preferences (likes to be flattered, to be wrapped up in a blanket, etc.), but also his or her own rhythm of falling asleep. Respecting the children’s rhythm is important.

Sleep is important

Children need to understand, through your gestures and words, that sleep is important for them, their bodies, their moods, etc. They should not see it as a fun or unpleasant activity. It is a necessity that is part of their daily lives. Sleep is essential to everyone’s functioning.

This study suggests a possible lack of sleep in Hue medical students and certain habits that can interfere with sleep. It draws the attention of students to the sleep duration necessary to preserve for their age, in spite of the studies involved.

The habit of sleeping with the mother in childhood is known in Viet Nam and it is remarkable that some young adults still maintain this habit.

With these five sleep habits, you have a winning recipe to make your naps and rests pleasant and positive.

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